
Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Bio poem

Bio poem

Smart, blue eyes, sandy brown hair,
Who loves video games science, pyrotechnics, and addictive ice cream
Who wonders if a Zombies apocalypse will occur  
Who fears Aliens, Sharks and dead bodies
Who feels happy when playing call of duty
Who is able to finish off a tub of ice cream
Who would like to live on a farm in a rural area, travel the world, go big game hunting  
Who dreams of being a business owner or a pilot
Fun!!!images (9).jpg


Unknown said...

Great bio poem. I too love Ice Cream! You have fantastic and achievable goals Lennyx, both require hard work and dedication, but you will get there! Enjoy the journey.
Mrs Parker

Unknown said...

Hi Len, Pop here, Howz it all going?

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